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IES Case Study

IES communications is a $700 million company that builds communications technology infrastructure. They needed to solve their hiring issue. 

Cost:  $50,000

We charged $10,000 upfront, and the the remaining $40,000 was charged upon KPIs being reached. 

Time:   2 months to complete

In only 2 months, we implemented the entire project and saw incredible results. 

Goal:   Hiring Employees

This company was not having any issue growing. Instead they were having an issue hiring new employees. 

Issue:   Hiring ads are expensive

The following company was spending about $720,000 a year on hiring ads. 

Nearly Instant Search Coverage at Scale

In one month, we built 13,550 page funnels. 52% ranked on page on of all search engines. 

Pages Ranked


% in top 10


% in top 3


Funnel Visibility

This shows the spread of pages ranked in the top 100.  The vast majority ranked on page one of search engines. 

Pages ranked 1-10   (52%)

Pages ranked 11-20   (30%)

Pages ranked 21-100   (18%)

High Click Through Rates (CTR)

We use data to anticipate exactly what people will search for and what their intent behind their search is. This allows us to build lead funnel pages that are written precisely for what each person is looking for. When a page perfectly matches the intent of a person, you can expect high CTRs. 

% of users that clicked through


Percent of company's total application views


High CTR

Our pages perform well in search engines, and they also boast high CTRs due to the ultra targeted nature of our funnels. 

The Corner   (37%)

IES Communications   (21%)

All Ads & Partners   (18%)

Free Meaningful Conversions

With our hyper targeted pages, we can expected high intent users to enter our funnels. Because they are already looking for what you have to offer, we can expect high conversion rates. If you build it, they will come. 

% of Total Conversions


Equivalent Monthly Cost


comparing ads to us.jpg
mobile compare ads to us.jpg
comparing ads to us mobile.jpg

Year 1

Year 3

Year 5

The Corner


Massive Scale Finished in a Few Months

Instead of years, we completed this project in a few months. This included meeting, planning, executing, and measuring. 


We are self described AI enthusiasts looking to take advantage of this novel time when those who harness this new tech can benefit greatly. 

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